Galapagos Day 7 (12/9): San Cristobal Island, hikes, Zodiac rides, snorkeling Kicker Rock.

San Cristobal zodiac ride around Punta Pitt, with many birds, including red-footed boobies.

Blue-footed boobie and Swallow-tailed gull.

Great Frigatebird, top one immature.

Blue-footed boobie

Red-footed boobies (blue beaks)

Red-footed boobies (blue beaks)

Look closely - she's feeding a young one.

Bye for now.

Last look at a brown Pelican.

Deep sea snorkeling at the Kicker Rock outcrop

We are snorkeling in that gap where the uplifted rock split,
which turns out to be against a current, unfortunately!

I tried, and got a few underwater photos.

Beautiful plant and animal growths on the underwater walls.

Lots of amazingly colorful growths on the rocks.

Exhausted, all of us, and ready to leave that spot!

Last Evening Aboard the Ship

As the moon rose in the slot that exhausted me, I reflected on the calm beauty it appears to be tonight.

Each sunset outdoes the last!

Goodnight, and on to new adventures.

End of Day 7. Please go on to Day 8!