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Beijing, China, September 2-4, 2012

Quick dinner first night in Beijing. Too tired to hold the camera still!

Next morning: Starbucks several steps from the hotel

Typical streets around our hotel: wide avenues full of shoppers and cars

We did find streets of bicycles, and lots of motor scooters

First sight of Forbidden City - work being done in front (green covered wall), with Mao peeking through.

Took awhile to memorize this one!

New performing arts hall - impressive!

The Forbidden City

These creatures on the roof were fascinating. The number of them reflected the status of the person who lived there.

Huge marble relief sculpture of nine dragons playing with pearls lies between the steps . Originally Ming dynasty, weighing 250 tons.

Lions guard the entrances. The female lion sits on the right side with a lion cub under her paw.

More detail of the roof creatures.

Photo of eaves under the roof edge - incredibly beautiful and elaborate detail.

View of the lily pond on our way to lunch.

On the Way to the Great Wall

Building photos taken from moving vehicle, so they don't always look vertical! I was struck by huge building after huge building along the highway.

Mutianyu Great Wall

On our way in skimpy gondola chairs to the starting point on the wall.

Our guide for the wall is on the right.

So we climbed and climbed rough-cut steps


Ah, on top, surveying the world.

And then we had to climb back. How can it be uphill in both directions?

Almost flimsy!

Changling: The Ming Tombs

More huge buildings on the drive home.

We drove around the Olympics area. Here is one of the buildings.

Trying to snooze after a busy day and this window washer suddenly appears
outside of the high floor hotel room!

See the rest of Beijing, next page.

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