Glasgow, September, 2011

Glasgow / Ayr / Turnberry / Culzean / Dublin

Photos from a walk, then a bus ride, on a gray misty day in Glasgow.

Left: Those traffic cones are everywhere!  Right: Just a typical city street on a Sunday morning.

First morning in Ireland at Starbucks. Note the sign: MacMillan Emerald Ball at the Glasgow Marriott.

Lovely and unique bridge!

Performing Arts through the raindrops on the bus window.

Another view of the bridge.

The new Riverside Transportation Museum. More later - we visit it the next day.

A few interesting buildings through a sometimes foggy bus window.

The Glasgow Gothic Cathedral. More later from the inside.

Another "conehead" statue. Who is doing these?

Back to the cathedral for a walk around the inside. Beautiful windows, lovely organ playing.

VIDEO*** A Short Movie: Hear the wonderful organ.


Last morning and a visit to the transportation Riverside Museum.

a few photos from inside the Riverside Museum on a cool rainy day.

Full steam ahead - we are ready to take the train to Ayr!

I've seen enough of Scotland and Ireland. Go back to the home photo links page